A Poetry Reading–in Person! Thursday, 1/19/23

I get to do my first live poetry reading since the start of the pandemic! It’ll be with Dayna Patterson and Allie Spikes, members of Madrona Writers (one of my workshop groups), at SoulFood Poetry Night in Redmond, WA, 6:00 p.m.

SoulFood Poetry Night, hosted by Michael Dylan Welch, is a long-running reading series attracting a warm, engaged community of poets and poetry lovers. I’ve had the pleasure of reading there twice in the past, and am looking forward to doing so again with my groupmates on January 19th!

Gratitude for Poetry Publications in 2022

This year has brought good news for my poems published in journals. I’m gathering them here to share with you and express my thanks!

The beautifully curated River Heron Review published my poem “After Rain, My Husband and I Hike the Tree Farm Slope.”

Watershed Review, out of Cal State Chico, published my prose poem “Look to the Sky and Shake Your Head.”

Pacifica Review, from right here in Washington State, published “Landscape with User Instructions.” (Check out the stunning cover photo on the journal’s home page.)

The Pennsylvania journal Lake Effect published “Self-Portrait of Lilith, to Eve” in their Spring issue.

And Braided Way nominated my poem “Placebo Effect” for a Best of the Net award!

I’m grateful to the editors & staff of all these journals for including my work and curating such lovely issues. And I have to say: it’s still a marvel to me to find my poems surrounded by the work of writers I’ve admired for many years–a wonder to see my words placed in conversation with theirs.

In 2023, I look forward to new print issues of RHINO Poetry and Iron Horse Literary Review that will contain my poems. I’m also excited for the April release of the anthology Between Paradise and Earth: Eve Poems from Orison Books, which includes a poem from Impossible Lessons. The anthology is open for pre-orders if you’d like to reserve a copy and help out the press!