OMG! My Chapbook! It’s Here!

Today I came home to a huge carton on my doorstep. From CreateSpace. Could it be–already?

Yes, Dear Readers. Yes it is.

My chapbook!

The front cover. Remember all that fuss over which of Mark's photos to use? (Yeah, me neither.)

The front cover. Remember all that fuss over which of Mark’s photos to use? (Yeah, me neither.)

I am, as you might guess, giddy. It is 43 pages of poems, elegantly arranged over 58 pages, Oreo-cookied between one of the loveliest photos ever taken of fall leaves in the Methow River and three of the most embarrassingly glowing blurbs ever to grace a back cover. I can hardly believe it.

I’m profoundly grateful to Lana Hechtman Ayers, editor and publisher of MoonPath Press in Kingston, WA for inviting me, exactly one year ago today, to submit my manuscript for her to consider publishing; for her artfully selecting and shaping the poems into sequence; and for her meticulous care and patience throughout the process of editing and producing the chapbook. I thank Tonya Namura, too, for designing the cover so beautifully and laying out the text. This is my dream come true!

And my thanks to you, Dear Readers, for your enthusiasm and encouragement about this project. It’s been fantastic to be able to share this great news with you throughout the process. I’ll post details soon about getting copies of the chapbook into your hands.


19 comments on “OMG! My Chapbook! It’s Here!

  1. Sheila S says:

    The cover is beautiful! and I can’t wait to read what’s inside. Rejoicing with you.

  2. jik says:

    SO pleased for you…and can’t wait to hold it in my hands and read the poems! Congratulations!

  3. Carey Taylor says:

    Woo Hoo! I am so happy for you and look forwarding to reading your poems.

  4. takatobimasu says:


    Yay, Jennifer — that is SO COOL!

    So when you get down off the ceiling, are you, like, you know, selling autographed copies? Want one Want one Want one 🙂



    • Thank you so much, Lee!

      As it so happens, because you and John are IN the book (I’ll show you where), I will *give* you your autographed copy. When I get down off the ceiling, like you said.

  5. Awesome Jennifer, congrats!! How can I get an autographed one? 🙂

    • Thank you ever so much, Reno!

      Will you please email me to exchange mailing addresses? jenniferbullis (at) comcast (dot) net. If you mail me a check for $10, I’ll mail you a book!

  6. Congratulations, Jennifer! It looks great, and I know what’s inside is even better.

  7. Wonderful news, congratulations! Yaayyy!!!!

  8. awritersalchemy says:

    so gorgeous! Congratulations. And I want a copy!

  9. I have come to this ridiculously late, but Jennifer I celebrate you, as Walt insists you should celebrate yourself. Congratulations, dear lady. I cannot wait to get my hands on this.

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